We are pleased to give you an the opening of the Maryport Inshore Rescue ‘John Hale’ Mezzanine Floor.
This construction was generously funded by the MBF in the sum of £6,2890.00 with an additional donation of £4,000.00 by the Mark Province of Cumberland and Westmorland. The new mezzanine floor will be used both for storage and as a classroom .It will enable groups of children to be taught water safety and also volunteers of the Inshore Rescue to be taught new techniques in both maritime and swift water rescue. The Maryport Inshore Rescue is totally funded by charitable donations, it is not part of the RNLI but can be called out to assist or it may receive the first emergency call from the coastguard to a rescue in the Solway Firth if suitable.
The photograph above shows Mrs Wendy Scoon, M.W.Bro. John Hale P.Pro-G.M. and Mr Mike Messenger Operations Manager of Maryport Inshore Rescue.
With thanks to W.Bro. Ken Archer, G.Swd.B.

Prov.G.Sec.; V.W.Bro. B. Kirkbride, Dep.Prov.G.M.; Mike Messenger (Ops.Manager); R.W.Bro.
K.Hodgson Prov.G.M.; M.W.Bro. John Hale P.Pro-G.M.; R.W.Bro. A.S. McLaren (MBF Trustee)